300,000 new instances of malware are generated daily
It takes 49 days on average to detect malware
52% of all phishing attacks worldwide in Q1 2022 involved LinkedIn (by brand)
57% of organizations expect to change their primary backup solution in 2023
70% of boards in 2026 will have a member responsible for cyber security
74% of organizations will use cloud services for data protection by 2025
79% of organizations have a security gap
80% of organizations will use BaaS/DRaaS for at least some of their servers
80% of workers need up to 8 searches to find the document they need for work
85% of organizations had at least one ransomware attack in the past year
8 percent increase in global cyberattacks per week
92% of malware is distributed via email
95% of cyber problems are caused by user behavior itself
Atlassian releases critical software patches
Chrome 120 fixes 10 vulnerabilities
Hackers claim to have accessed medical data of the Israeli Defense Forces
Japan's space program at risk after Microsoft Active Directory breach
Cybercriminals are selling access to Chinese surveillance cameras
Nissan is investigating the cyber attack and potential data breach
87% increase in IoT malware in 2022 compared to 2021
Data leak from the mujRozhlas audio portal
More than 20,000 MS Exchange servers are exposed to attacks
Administrative security
Acceptable risk
Active safety
Active digital footprint
IS risk analysis
Risk analysis
Risk analysis - copy
Data center
DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service)
Digital footprint
DoS (Denial of Service)
SIEM functionalities
Physical and object security
Assessment of the severity of impacts
Threats and challenges in 2024
Identification of vulnerabilities
ISMS (Information Security Management System)
ISO 27001 - Security of Information Technologies
Cyber security
Cyber safe
Extremely high risk
Minimum successful backup strategy
Zero trust model
Zero trust model
Model of zero trust - the employee needs
Immutable data
Disaster recovery
Passive digital footprint
Penetration test
Penetration tests
Personal security
Business continuity plan - Main components
Disaster recovery plan - Key areas
A network disaster recovery plan includes the following
Fake phone number
Fire safety of buildings (PBS)
The probability of fulfilling the risk scenario
Industrial safety
SLA (Service Level Agreement)
Social Engineering
Spear phishing
Disaster recovery strategy
Vulnerability test
Types of incidents
Web hosting
Backup - Strategy 3-2-1
Backup - Strategy 3-2-1-1-0
Midfield - Strategy 4-3-2
Severity of risks
The lifecycle of a malicious attack
NIS2 - Basic subjects - Essential
NIS2 - Important subjects - Important
NIS2 - Who falls within the framework
NIS2 - Supply Chain Security Review
01. O programovaní
Bezpečnosť vs informácie
Bezpečnosť vs ja ju nepotrebujem
Bezpečnosť vs ja tomu nerozumiem
Dnešná každodenná téma - 01
Dnešná každodenná téma - 02
Dnešná každodenná téma - 03
Dnešná každodenná téma - 04
Kyberbezpečnosť je téma stále a nikdy neskončí.
Linkedin 2021
Plán kontinuity podnikania
Proti nekalým praktikám nasadíme technológie
is information that you leave on the Internet unconsciously and that is not directly visible, for example device type, IP address.
Source: it.portal
is any information you knowingly post online, opinions, ratings, social media interests, photos, addresses, family information, searches, videos watched, music listened t... viac...
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One of the techniques of social engineering is the effort to induce a time crunch. Do not respond to such messages.
Source: KCCKB
bezpečnosťou sa nemusím zaoberať ak môj počítač nie je pripojený do siete alebo na internet
Source: it-portal.sk
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Vyhláška Národného bezpečnostného úradu o audite kybernetickej bezpečnosti show link
Zákon o elektronických komunikáciách show link
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EN ▪ Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Information security controls
Source: ISO
Information technology — Security techniques — Code of practice for protection of personally identifiable information (PII) in public clouds acting as PII processors
Source: ISO
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Explore innovation, meet industry giants and unlock opportunities – at the world’s largest and most influential connectivity event.
Reasons to be at MWC Barcel... viac...
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