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Opportunities for self-improvement


Self-improvement is certainly one of the longest words, but at the same time, self-improvement is one of the most difficult activities. In order to progress noticeably, persevere and reach the goal, we need a lot of strong will, self-denial and, above all, the desire to learn something new.
The activities, exercises and tests on our website should help you on this journey in the language field, in such a way that learning is not painful, but rather fun.
You can perform these activities in the time and scope of your choice. We will not teach you grammar, which usually introduces a few rules, but also many exceptions and specialties, which then confuse the head and active conversation becomes a problem.
What we provide you with is a form by which you will gain knowledge of words, expressions, phrases and sentences so that you can use them as quickly as possible in passive as well as in active communication.

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