What is what in IT
Risk analysis
is a procedure that determines the probability that an undesirable event will occur and what its consequences will be
More information, which may be usefull to you, may be found after login at it-portal.sk
• Have multiple copies of data - at least 3 • Saving copies of data in geographically different locations • Have at least one copy immediately available for quick... viac...
Source: it.portal
▪ Postal and courier services ▪ Waste management ▪ Manufacturing, production and distribution of chemical agents ▪ Food production, processing and distributio... viac...
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viac ako 80 000 sledovacích kamier Hikvision na svete bolo v roku 2022 bolo zraniteľných prienikom k riadiacim príkazom.
Hikvision – je skratka pre Hangzhou Hikvisio... viac...
Atlassian vydal softvérové opravy na riešenie štyroch kritických chýb vo svojom softvéri, ktoré by v prípade úspešného zneužitia mohli viesť k vzdialenému spusteniu kódu.
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Before installing, carefully consider whether you really need the application in question, or whether you were just driven by curiosity or convinced by advertising. Remov... viac...
Source: KCCKB
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Vyhláška Národného bezpečnostného úradu o personálnej bezpečnosti show link
Zákon o kybernetickej bezpečnosti a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov show link
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Information technology — Security techniques — Code of practice for information security controls based on ISO/IEC 27002 for cloud services
Source: ISO
EN ▪ Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Information security controls
Source: ISO
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To ale neznamená, že sú jediné
Source: Google Maps
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Explore innovation, meet industry giants and unlock opportunities – at the world’s largest and most influential connectivity event.
Reasons to be at MWC Barcel... viac...
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