Actual incidents
NÚKIB - Threats and vulnerabilities
is a type of malware that locks up a computer system, or encrypts the data stored on it, and then demands a ransom to regain access
is an attack on a web server by which the attacker overwhelms the server with a large number of requests from different places and thus blocks it.
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Your computer, smartphone, Wi-Fi router and all IT devices must always have the latest versions of operating system updates and patches installed. This also applies t... viac...
Source: KCCKB
One of the techniques of social engineering is the effort to induce a time crunch. Do not respond to such messages.
Source: KCCKB
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National Institute of Standards and Technology show link
A specialized center designed primarily to increase the cyber security of the GOVNET network. show link
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Zákon o elektronických komunikáciách show link
Zákon, ktorým sa mení a dopĺňa zákon č. 69/2018 Z. z. o kybernetickej bezpečnosti a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov a ktorým sa menia a... viac...
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Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of information security management systems — Part 1... viac...
Source: ISO
Information technology — Security techniques — Guidelines for the assessment of information security controls
Source: ISO
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Explore innovation, meet industry giants and unlock opportunities – at the world’s largest and most influential connectivity event.
Reasons to be at MWC Barcel... viac...
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